Publisher 2003: Using Publication Designs and the Design Gallery

Lesson 21: Using Publication Designs and the Design Gallery



By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Apply a publication design to your publication
  • Access the Design Gallery options
  • Insert an object from the Design Gallery
  • Modify an existing Design Gallery object

Publication Designs and the Design Gallery

Watch the video! (4:32 min)

Publication Designs allow you to add sets of graphic elements to your publications. The Design Gallery allows you to select individual elements to add, including lines, colors, and shapes. Both options can help draw attention to your publication.

To use Publication Designs:

  • Click Publication Designs in the task pane.
  • Scroll through the included designs, and click them to see the effect in your publication.
Publication designs task pane

To use the Design Gallery:

  • Click the Design Gallery icon on the Objects toolbar. The Design Gallery dialog box appears.
  • Select a Category on the left to see examples on the right.
  • Select an object, and click Insert to place it in your document.
  • Move, rotate, and resize the object to fit your design.
Design Gallery


Use the publication you created in the last challenge, or create a new blank publication to complete this challenge.

  • Open your blank publication.
  • Try the different Publication Designs in your document.
  • Insert at least one piece of artwork from the Design Gallery.